Making Your City


A city is a very complicated thing. Different parts do different things. Here are some words connected to cities:

suburb;  capital; metropolis; village; hamlet; settlement; port; resort;

health resort; seaside resort; winter resort; mountain resort; ski resort;

big city; large city; small town; densely populated city;

city center; downtown; suburb; outskirts; slums; ghetto;

region; district; neighborhood; borough; block; city limits;

residential district; residential area (neighborhood; quarter); industrial quarter;

place; location; site; locality; vicinity; environment; surroundings.

When you design your city you have to consider all these parts and more. With sustainable design you have to connect the parts of the city and make sure that a solution in one part does not cause problems in another.

A good example of how we can imagine a city but that does not seem so connected up in the old cartoon The Jetsons. In this cartoon a family lives in what people thought the future would be like, in 2062, back in the 1960s. 

Here is a short video of the original Jetsons, from 1962, which shows how they live with the machines that do everything for them.

What can you see in this video that is different from your own life. Do you think they got it right with how the future will look?

Here are some imaginary towns made by grade 1s and 2s at Norra Ångby 

Map of Hillwood by Steve Lowtwait
Hillwood is the city where Arnold lives, and where most events of the show Hey Arnold take place.


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