Tech and the Dreams of Tomorrow

What do you think cities will be like in the future? In this video you can see some ideas about how we might be living in the future. But people have been trying to imagine how the future will look for a long time. This is what people though we would be living like now in 1900 an artist in France tried to imagine what life would be like in the year 2000. This is the results:

What do you think is a problem we have today that could be solved in the future by a machine? 

You assignment for today is to draw and/or describe that machine. 

Cities in the future may be greener that the above images show

Flight is a major theme in future predictions. Getting off the ground in controlled flight is a sign of the present age. But we ahve only had powered flight (as opposed to balloons, gliders etc.) since 1903. Not very long really in the scale of human history.


What will powered flight look like in the future? Maybe using jetpacks?

How will our houses look in the future. In most science fiction the buildings are high tech, and probably very expensive to build. They use lots of resources and probably don't last very long. But today we are already making houses that are high tech but simple and long lasting, as well as being cheap. We print them.

How do you print a house? Take a look at this:

What other things do you think will change in the future?


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